horseback riding in Salento Colombia


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I document my adventures in travel, Toronto Wellness Experiences and Toronto food.

My Thoughts this November

My Thoughts this November

The past year has consisted of a series of changes that have completely changed the direction of my life.

I went from winning an election campaign I worked on to overall losing the election to losing my job, to spending more than a month collectively in Europe and having an amazing summer off, to finding a new job but still feeling like I’m on a constant search for self-fulfillment. In the midst of it all, I fell in love with a kind, gentle and forever entertaining human being.


 This year has been far from predictable but has everything I wanted and needed in order to continue to grow and evolve into the kind of woman I want to be.

 November has always been a hard month for me. Though I successfully evaded the true November blues last year with my trips to LA and New York, November is always tough and this year has been no different.

 I can’t figure out what it is exactly. I know part of it has to do with the change in weather and getting sick this time of the year but I think part of it is that right before the holiday season festivities you realize that the year is coming to an end and you cannot help but reflect on the past year.

 You think back to goals you set at the beginning of the year and you try to come to terms with the fact that you MAY NOT have reached all your goals. And that can be so hard, because inevitably we are our worst critics.

 There are certain things that are beyond our control. The only thing we can do is learn how to react to what life throws at us. But, that is always easier said than done.

This month, I am trying to make an active effort to not give up on the goals I set up for myself. If I am not where I want to be in terms of my physical health, it is up to me to continue to work to build the habits necessary in order to reach those goals. If I am doing something that is making me unhappy, it is up to me to look at how I can alter my approach so that I do feel happier. If I want to find a job that is a better fit for me, I have to continue to search for opportunities instead of feeling bad for myself.

 I am the only one that can change my situation and as much as life throws setbacks at you, no one else will really get you back up except yourself.

 In due time, the days will get warmer and sun will shine brighter but in the meantime,  we have to make do with what we have, even if it feels like we’re working with very little.



November Self Reflection – Post Wedding Thoughts

November Self Reflection – Post Wedding Thoughts

Self Awareness and Self Love

Self Awareness and Self Love